written by jerome lawrence & Robert E. Lee
directed by Christopher Price
Sponsored by friends of seeking civility


march 15 - 31, 2019

Fri & Sat at 7:30
sun at 2:00

In the 1920s, Tennessee schoolteacher Bertram Cates is put on trial for violating the Butler Act, a state law that prohibits public school teachers from teaching evolution instead of creationism. Drawing intense national attention in the media with writer E. K. Hornbeck reporting, two of the nation's leading lawyers go head to head: Matthew Harrison Brady for the prosecution, and Henry Drummond for the defense. Directed by Christopher Price.


special thanks to our sponsors:

Friends of Seeking Civility

Seeking Civility promotes civil discourse in our community. Believing that our shared values and beliefs fundamentally unite us, we promote and support events that provide opportunities to examine current issues.